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Try AgilePlace (formerly LeanKit) free for 30 days
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Experience for yourself how Planview AgilePlace can help your organization see the work happening across teams and align on prioritized business objectives. See how Kanban boards and Lean metrics support continuous delivery initiatives, eliminate waste and improve your team’s delivery processes and speed.
What you get:
Flexible Kanban board layout
Extensive board template library
Visually track and manage your work
Improve flow with lane policies & WIP limits
Plan work across boards and teams
Brainstorm and collaborate with Whiteboards
Increase productivity with Card Automation
Promote continuous improvement with lean metrics & reports
Access to AgilePlace API
“Planview® AgilePlace helps us get closer to our ultimate goal of ‘enterprise optimization,’ allowing us to structure product teams to solve opportunities our digital transformation is putting out there for our customers.”

Adriana Callerio, Ingram Micro
IT Performance and PMO Leader
“The team improved their effectiveness and AgilePlace proved itself to be a critical tool that not only enabled that success but provided visibility into the entire process.”

Pascal Pinck, Vertafore
Director of Product Development Capabilities
“For the first time, people have a strong understanding of the goals and priorities of customers and how their particular role contributes to delivering value to the business.”

Franck Lombardo, Matisa
Head of Quality and Continuous Improvement
“We now have real resource management and have clear visibility into how many projects we can do. The cross-team collaboration has never been better or more efficient.”

Alexis Swann, Emory Healthcare
IT Portfolio Manager