Optimize your DevOps Transformation with Value Stream Management

From measuring pipelines to measuring outcomes

Many large-scale enterprises have adopted DevOps practices, but few realize substantial gains in efficiency and profitability. We’ve analyzed over three thousand value streams and seen time and again that engineering teams are rarely the bottleneck or the root cause of bottlenecks.

Planview helps organizations improve speed, agility, and outcomes by measuring beyond engineering teams and pipelines. Instead, our value stream management solution makes end-to-end deliveryprocesses visible, starting with the business and ending with delighted customers. We point out the places where work gets stuck, whether waiting for funding, approval, analysis, design, dependencies, testing, certification, or release — and help you get the resources and attention you need. If there are parts of your process or organizational design where you’re struggling to drive change, our turnkey solution can help.

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Invest where it counts

Did you know that less than 10% of the product development process is spent within Agile teams? Not realizing that the bottlenecks lie elsewhere, companies pour resources into engineering teams and are understandably frustrated when these investments yield little to no returns.

To speed up value delivery, companies need to look at the whole value stream, from the moment you’ve committed to the work to the moment value is delivered to the customer. Planview’s value stream management solution provides a bird’s eye view of end-to-end Agile and DevOps processes, including the product and process dependencies that too often make delivery slow and unpredictable.

Planview’s value stream management solution lets you:

  • Create holistic visibility into end-to-end development and delivery processes
  • Improve prioritization and resource allocation to get the highest return on investment
  • Improve prioritization and resource allocation to get the highest return on investment
  • Shift from project to product to improve the developer experience

DORA metrics vs. Flow Metrics

With the widespread adoption of DevOps practices, many technology organizations now use DORA metrics to streamline and automate activities, from “code commit” to “code deploy”. These four metrics, defined by DevOps Research and Assessment (DORA) and annually reported in the Accelerate State of DevOps Report, have set the gold standard for operational efficiency for releasing new code.

While the DORA metrics are necessary, they are not sufficient on their own. Organizations will only remain competitive if they can deliver business value—not code changes—at an ever-increasing clip. By combining DORA standards and Flow Metrics, organizations can quantify the impact of their DevOps transformation against business outcomes, helping to understand where and how to tangibly improve market response.

Optimize collaboration models and transform culture

The Flow Framework® and team topologies

The Team Topologies approach has taken off as the best way to organize value streams. In Team Topologies, team composition, size, and scope are based on the team’s collective cognitive capacity so that, ideally, no team becomes overloaded. Still, in practice, this is difficult – the siloed metrics available in most tools can’t give leaders all the information they need.

Planview’s value stream management solution provides real-time feedback on changes to organizational design. Flow Metrics at the value stream and portfolio level can tell you whether the organizational design can support fast flow and highlight areas where coupling is still too tight or where platforms have taken on too much responsibility.

Planview measures value stream load, engagement, and happiness to help leaders optimize team composition. While Team Topologies provides the blueprint for organizational structure, Planview’s implementation of the Flow Framework provides the insights that drive a culture of continuous, focused improvement.

Align business and IT with outcome-based OKRs

Even when the DevOps pipeline is efficient and collaborative, the disconnect between technical teams and business owners can breed resentment and frustration, leading to an us-vs.-them culture that negatively impacts employee happiness and retention.

For enterprises seeking to change this reality, OKRs can be a great tool to connect business and technology and measure incremental progress. Combined with value stream management, OKRs can be used to reverse the problems created by inefficient delivery processes, excessive technical debt, and overloaded teams.

Planview® Viz measures the ability to execute effectively, as determined by the speed, quality, and efficiency of flow through end-to-end value streams that stretch from customer need to business outcome. OKRs to improve flow are just as important as OKRs to improve financial results. Read more in our eBook: How Technology Teams can Thrive with Flow-Based OKRs

Maximize the potential of human capital with integrated value streams

Never has there been greater pressure to deliver more with fixed capacity. Yet the daily overhead and inefficiencies that riddle IT workflows are costing organizations tens of millions of dollars in lost productivity and poor customer experiences.

Integrated value streams put these outdated practices into the past, where they belong. The world’s largest technology organizations use Planview’s value stream management solution to boost efficiency, accelerate delivery, and shorten resolution times by automating cross-tool updates and synchronization. Planview® Hub creates seamless interoperability between the tools your organization uses for planning, engineering, testing, and product support and effortlessly keeps everyone on the same page.