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Managing a Strategic Project Portfolio - Blog | Planview
Strategy is how an organization represents themselves, differentiates themselves from the competition, and provides value to their customers. Guide your organization to create a strategic project portfolio, an actionable plan that embraces the uncertainty of strategy and, in turn, creating business agility.
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Future of PPM: Integration - Project Portfolio Management | Planview
In an era of increasing IT complexity, it's hard to imagine new PPM solutions running in a standalone mode. Learn more about the future of PPM.
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Une histoire à succès dans le monde réel : CO-OP Financial Services réduit les retards de livraison de projet de 92% - Planview | Blog
Découvrez comment Steven Wood, un administrateur de portefeuille de projets de CO-OP Financial Services, a utilisé la gestion de portefeuille et de ressources pour réduire les retards de projets.
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5 Powerful Ways an Adaptive PPM Solution Can Elevate Your PMO
Discover how adopting an adaptive project portfolio management solution can drive your projects faster.
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5 Reasons Your Product Group Should Choose an Adaptive PPM Solution
Discover how adopting a project portfolio management solution can drive your projects faster.
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Succès du PMO : Changer l'état d'esprit de vos employés pour changer la culture de l'entreprise
The success of your Project Management Office or Enterprise PMO is contingent on the mindset of your employees and your project portfolio culture.
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Project Metrics: What's Behind the Numbers? - Enrich Consulting
In R&D portfolio management, project metrics should be backed up by key project assumptions.
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Focus on Portfolio, not Projects, in PPM
How to shift organization's mindset from project management to portfolio management in order to make a stronger connection between strategy and execution.
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Project Prioritization is Not Enough: Why No One Uses Optimization for R&D Portfolio Management, and Why You Should - Enrich Consulting
R&D-driven organizations face the constant challenge of deciding whether to continue funding existing projects and when to start new initiatives. The overwhelming majority of firms will use project prioritization to rank the opportunities as part of that exercise, with a small minority suspectin...
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Pigs, Chickens, and Discount Rates: Improving Project Valuations for R&D Portfolio Management - Enrich Consulting
Finance and R&D can get along You’ve just finished briefing the executive committee on the methods for project valuation that you have worked so hard to establish in your R&D group. The team has finally acknowledged that risk needs to be managed in all its potential forms. You’ve reached consensus on the following set of...
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