Instantanés quotidiens des tendances

Daily Trend Snapshots captures actual and expected progress, actual and remaining effort, planned work, unapproved timesheets and scheduling status KPIs as Daily Snapshot data objects that can be utilized for trend reporting and more.

Note: The app supports AdaptiveWork Enterprise and Unlimited editions.

About This App

Daily Trend Snapshots captures actual and expected progress, actual and remaining effort, planned work, unapproved timesheets and scheduling status KPIs as Daily Snapshot data objects that can be utilized for trend reporting and more.

For an example of how to use this information as a Project Manager, be sure to read the blog article, The Power of Progress Trend Analysis.

This app contains everything you’ll need to capture the trend data for your projects.
Each working day, a scheduled Workflow Rule captures:

Note: Since the app is run on a daily basis, the data is populated the following day after installing the app.

Project FieldDescription
Work (Planned Effort)Planned Work, in person/hours or person/days
Actual EffortReported Effort to date in person/hours or person/days
Remaining EffortWork – Actual Effort (unless Remaining Effort is manually set)  in person/hours or person/days
Pending TimeFor organizations using Timesheets to report Actual Efforts, Pending Time is a total of unsubmitted or unapproved timesheets.
Progrès attendusExpected Actual Efforts/Work, calculated according to Work Item start and due dates, including Resource and organization calendar exceptions (non-working days or hours). In Percent.
% CompleteActual Effort/Work. In Percent.
Expected EffortExpected Progress % * Work
StatutSPI Schedule Status RAG indicator

Viewing Expected vs Actual % Complete Trend

Daily Trend Snapshots includes a % Progress contextual panel which displays project expected progress vs actual progress by day.

In is similar to Burn Up charts used in Agile projects, however does not reference the total amount of work.
This means that in projects where scope of work grows over time, you can expect to see drops in % Expected Progress and %Complete as the relative % of work already performed will represent a smaller proportion of the total scope of work.

Viewing Expected vs Actual % Complete Trend

Add the panel to the relevant Profile layouts for Project > Fields & Relations > Related Items.
If you are the Project Manager, or a Super User, and your project has more than 0% Expected Progress and is not a portfolio, you will be able to see the historic progress data for your project.

Referencing Snapshot data

Each Snapshot stored by the rule is linked back to the project with the Project Snapshot field on the Data Object which means it is also visible from the Project it references as a table.

Daily Project Snapshots Panel

Visualizing the Trend Snapshots in charts

1. Set up a Project Trend Report by creating a report for Projects which access the the Daily Project Snapshots relation set.

Project Trend Report Data Set

2. Set a filter to make sure it easy to choose a set of snapshots for a single Project.

Project Trend Report Filter

3. Use a Line chart with a Multi-Dimension Grouping to present 2 (or more) sets of data on a single chart.

Project Trend Progress Chart Settings

4. Chart output

Project Progress this Month

Captures d’écran