Increase revenue by consistently selecting winning products, eliminating time wasted on lower value initiatives

Let Planview’s product portfolio management software help you achieve your financial and strategic targets by evaluating and comparing multiple scenarios to ensure the best portfolio mix.
Leverera den strategiska planen
Achieve your corporate goals by connecting and monitoring the projects and products that must be successfully executed to fulfill strategic targets.
Compare What-If Scenarios
Evaluate multiple scenarios reflecting different business conditions to respond quickly and take advantage of market shifts.
Reduce Portfolio Risk
Visually illustrate portfolio mix and balance to determine what changes, if any, should be made to properly align with risk tolerance.

Generate greater ROI from your product portfolio leveraging the same resources

Improve innovation capacity using product portfolio management software from Planview. Apply resources to the most profitable products and ensure resource availability prior to project approval.
Fokusera resurser på arbete med högre värde
Shift more resource time and effort from lower value, below-the-radar, sustaining projects to strategic breakthrough innovations to drive revenue growth.
Predict Resource Bottlenecks
Forecast resource availability to guarantee the right resources with the right skills are available at the right time and at the right rate for on-time and on-budget product delivery.
Reduce Cost Through Improved Estimating
Leverage historical actuals to better assess when resources will be needed, limiting expensive resources from sitting on the bench.

Use the product roadmap tool to communicate complex product and technical roadmaps with the push of a button

The product roadmap tool in Planview’s product portfolio management software empowers your organization to easily visualize and communicate the roadmap and key launch dates – increasing awareness and improving proactive decision making for all stakeholders in the product commercialization process.
Prevent Product Delays
Utilize out-of-the box performance indicators for instant visibility into individual campaigns to measure participation, track status, and monitor potential outcomes for ROI.
Understand Dependencies
Examine the dependency between products and the technology, platform, project, and services components required to launch them.
Dela roadmap-visionen
Use the product roadmap tool to eliminate the manual struggle of developing roadmaps via slideware. Instead, quickly slice the portfolio roadmap into exportable views for engineers, executives, supply chain, and even customers.
Utöka din kunskap om hantering av produktinnovation
med faktablad, webbsändningar, analysrapporter med mera.
See Our Powerful Product Portfolio Management Software in Action
Se demo • See Our Powerful Product Portfolio Management Software in Action