511 more results for "application portfolio management"
Cutting cost? Don't Touch That PMO - It's Your Key to Cost Savings!
Businesses should not cut funding from the PMO to cut cost - the PMO is key to finding cost savings across the business.
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Customer Showcase: LifeWay Christian Resources - Planview Blog
LifeWay Christian Resources wurde in 1891 gegründet, um theologische Inhalte für Kirchen zu liefern, die einen hohen Bedarf an Lehrmaterial für die Southern Baptist Churches hatten. Seitdem hat LifeWay über 186 Schaufenster entwickelt und weiterhin Lehrmaterial für Studenten auf eine Art und Weise zur Verfügung gestellt, die moderne Technologie nutzt und eine...
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Learning New Things - Planview Blog
It’s mid-2015. Our product and platform had evolved from a pure Java application to a mixed-technology web-based solution, and I found myself realizing that I had to up my game. I’d built many web applications before. But my drive to hone my skills was coming from the company’s need to move ahead with a faster,...
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The Changing Landscape of Portfolio Management
Consider product portfolio management as a tool in your IT portfolio management approach in the changing landscape of portfolio management.
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Unternehmensarchitektur bei der Arbeit: Anwendungsfälle aus der Praxis
With the rapid pace of technological change, the enterprise architect role is more important than ever. See how in these real-world use cases.
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Die größten Hits von Innotas - Planview Blog
Um voranzukommen, müssen Sie manchmal zurückblicken. Wenn wir zurückblicken, haben wir einige Muster erkannt und glauben, dass es sich dabei nicht mehr um Trends, sondern um Kernkompetenzen des Marktes handelt. In diesem Jahr erwarten wir ein erneutes Interesse an einigen dieser bewährten Methoden. Dies sind keine Trends mehr in...
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The customization capabilities of Clarizen
Clarizen's project management software offers configuration options that allow each client to tailor its workflows and user experience.
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Cloud Solutions for Enterprise IT - Project Management Blog | Planview
It's time to take a thorough view at your corporate data and integration strategy. Learn more about cloud solutions for enterprise IT.
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Enterprise Architects Reading List - Blog | Planview
EAs will love this enterprise architects reading list. Learn from customer case studies, articles, eBooks, whitepapers and analyst reports.
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Product Portfolio Management & Product Lifecycle Management
Gartner Take on Product Portfolio Management and Product Lifecycle Management Convergence. Download your free copy of the report.
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