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Reflections from DevOps Enterprise Summit 2019 + Day Three Recap | Tasktop Blog
It’s been just over a week since this year’s DevOps Enterprise Summit 2019 in Las Vegas came to a close. And while we’re happy to be away from the artificial air that’s continuously pumped out at The Cosmopolitan, we will miss the breath of fresh air that many attendees and speakers brought to the DevOps...
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PMO Spotlight | Sam Fairfield at Businessolver
In the latest installment of our PMO Spotlight series, Sam Fairfield of Businessolver sat down with us to discuss his Project Management career.
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Lean Manufacturing and The End of the Manufacturing Line | Tasktop Blog
What can IT organizations learn about software delivery from leading Lean car manufacturers like BMW?Lean manufacturing concepts are relevant when shifting our thinking of flow from assembly line to software. These concepts help build software more efficiently.
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Tips on paying for free software | Tasktop Blog
Comments on The Server Side have been voicing concerns about SpringSource’s new maintenance policy, which gives incentive to purchase a support contract if you’re building mission critical apps on Spring. I’ve been amazed at some of the dialog, which ranges from suggestions that SpringSource has neglected its community to recommendations that they should instead ask...
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How-to: task-focused programming | Tasktop Blog
Applies to: Tasktop Pro or Eclipse Mylyn Level: Beginner Summary: Learn how to focus your Java programming efforts with Tasktop, increasing your personal productivity Which files was I working with before lunch? In the course of a day of programming developers often work on many tasks, where each task involves a different set of...
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Product Release: What’s New in Tasktop Integration Hub 19.1 | Tasktop Blog
Tasktop, leader in enterprise toolchain integration & connecting software delivery value streams, releases latest version of Tasktop Integration Hub (19.1).
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5 Schritte zum Projektauftakt - Blog | Planview Projectplace
Projektplanung ist keine leichte Aufgabe, vor allem wenn Teams über Zeitzonen hinweg arbeiten. Hier sind 5 Schritte zum Projektstart, damit Ihr Team effizienter arbeiten kann.
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Bei der Verbesserung von Projektschätzungen geht es vor allem um die Richtung
Wenn es um die Verbesserung von Projektschätzungen geht, müssen Sie wissen, in welche Richtung Sie gehen müssen, um eine angemessene Schätzung zu entwickeln.
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WIP-Grenzen: Wie man sicher ins Unbekannte reist - Blog | Planview
In dieser dreiteiligen Serie erläutert Stephen Franklin, CIO bei LeanKit, aus seiner Erfahrung heraus die häufigsten Hindernisse, auf die Sie bei der Festlegung von WIP-Limits stoßen, und gibt Tipps, wie Sie diese überwinden können.
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2 Things You Can Start Doing Today to Improve Team Engagement and Get Better Business Results | Tasktop Blog
There are ways to balance top-down direction and team autonomy (and it's not as hard as you may think).
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