CA Clarity Competitors


Has Clarity’s legacy PPM tool (FKA as CAPPM) left you feeling unsupported? Planview’s Strategic Portfolio Management solution is the ideal CA PPM alternative for your enterprise.

5 reasons Planview® is the best alternative to Clarity PPM

  • Planview understands you’re more than an upsell opportunity

    You bought Clarity PPM for traditional Project Portfolio Management (PPM), and perhaps it initially provided your organization with the support you were looking for. Then it was acquired by Broadcom, and that changed everything. Now you may feel less like a customer and more like a source of revenue. If you feel your enterprise is sitting on the back burner, lacking support for modern Agile and Hybrid delivery methods, you could follow Broadcom’s suggestion and purchase Rally instead. Does a company that charges you extra for PPM services care about your best interests? We don’t think so.

  • Eliminate the complexities holding you back

    Do you feel you’ve achieved your goals despite your PPM vendor? Imagine how much more you can achieve by working with a true technology partner committed to giving your enterprise the support it needs to thrive in today’s technology landscape.

    Aging PPM tools don’t support teams in the modern world. To compensate for this, companies constantly customize Clarity to meet their changing demands. And in some cases, they acquire even more tools from CA Clarity competitors to fill in those gaps. This creates more complexities, leading to disjointed work, poor communication, and missed opportunities.

    Don’t settle for gap filling around an outdated PPM tool like Clarity. Turn your big-picture ideas into impact that drives your business forward without constantly customizing and supplementing your traditional PPM tools. Our Strategic Portfolio Management solution comes with everything you need to drive value across your organization.

  • Modern challenges demand modern solutions

    The nature of business is constantly changing. Shouldn’t your portfolio management solution change with it?

    Organizations using CA PPM and many CA PPM alternatives often complain their portfolio management tools feel dated and unequipped to tackle modern business demands. Perhaps you’ve felt like that since Broadcom purchased Clarity. After all, what does a hardware company really know about managing strategic portfolios?

    Don’t get stuck with an aging technology roadmap that can’t address your challenges. Trust an industry leader in Strategic Portfolio Management. Help your organization execute strategy faster than ever with Planview.

  • Meet your strategic goals. On your terms.

    Don’t let Clarity restrict the way your teams work. Set your organization up for success on your terms with a solution built for today’s demands.

    Planview’s Strategic Portfolio Management solution supports multiple work delivery methodologies so you can transform on your own terms and timeline. Seamlessly integrate with a constantly growing list of popular Agile project management tools. Our solution doesn’t dictate how you work. Clarity does.

  • Don’t be left at a standstill. Work faster, smarter, and more confidently.

    It shouldn’t feel like piloting a spaceship every time you assess the performance of your portfolios. You deserve a solution that’s powerful and easy to navigate, especially when it comes to your strategic investments. Feel confident in the work your organization delivers. Empower decision-making at the highest level.

    When time is of the essence, do you want to jump through hoops to access reports? Planview places your data at your fingertips so you can spend your time where it matters – delivering value quickly to your enterprise and your customers.


2024 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Strategic Portfolio Management

Planview was recognized as a Gartner 2024 Strategic Portfolio Management Tools Magic Quadrant Leader.

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Why choose a Clarity Competitor like Planview?

  • Planview
  • Clarity
    • Integrations

      Seamlessly maximize connectivity, visibility, and productivity across your enterprise.

    • 60+ pre-built, no-code integrations for popular DevOps, Agile, and collaborative work management tools, such as Jira Software, Jira Core, and Jira Service Desk, Azure DevOps,, Rally, ServiceNow, Microsoft Project Server, Micro Focus PPM, and more.

    • Rally.

    • Support for different work delivery methods

      Support for Traditional, Agile, and Hybrid teams, allowing all work to occur under one roof.

    • Planview offers: 100%
    • Clarity offers: none
    • Driving Agile transformation

      Native support for hybrid teams transitioning from traditional to Agile that supports different methodologies in a single place.

    • Planview offers: 100%
    • Clarity offers: none
    • Vendor support

      Comprehensive approach to partnership and Customer Success, including internal implementation assistance and strong support for solution roadmap.

    • Planview offers: 100%
    • Clarity offers: 50%
    • Customer support with expertise in portfolio management

      Support for accelerating on-strategy delivery, for companies of all sizes and PPM maturity levels – not just strategic partners.

    • Planview offers: 100%
    • Clarity offers: 50%
    • Dashboard, analytics, and reporting

      Drive business value with easy access to accurate, up-to-date metrics on the performance and progress of your projects, project portfolios, and strategic initiatives.

    • Planview offers: 100%
    • Clarity offers: 50%
    • Financial and resource management

      Track and manage investments, budgets, resources, and capacity confidently and in real-time.

    • Planview offers: 100%
    • Clarity offers: 100%
    • Project management

      Improve planning, execution, and delivery of work across your project portfolio.

    • Planview offers: 100%
    • Clarity offers: 100%
    • Strategic alignment

      Invest in the right business initiatives with strategic roadmaps, OKRs, and strategic financial planning.

    • Planview offers: 100%
    • Clarity offers: 100%

Planview’s Strategic Portfolio Management solution

Don’t trust just any CA Clarity competitor with your strategic portfolios. Trust a proven industry leader.

Drive business outcomes across the enterprise, increase business agility, and guide your organization through disruption with Planview’s Strategic Portfolio Management solution. Bridge the gap between strategy and delivery so you can maximize the value of your investments.

  • Improve speed-to-value and market responsiveness

    Adapt strategic initiatives and assess the impacts of changes on investments, staffing, and outcomes.
  • Increase confidence in strategic investments

    Make informed investment decisions based on complete, actionable data with a shared view into dependencies and risks.
  • Unlock organizational capacity for priority initiatives

    Reprioritize and shift capacity to meet the organization’s demands, make trade-offs, and ensure teams remain focused on strategic goals.
Learn more

What is the difference between a comprehensive Strategic Portfolio Management solution and a project portfolio management tool like Clarity PPM?

Project portfolio management tools like Clarity PPM provide teams and project leaders with the core capabilities to manage projects and resources. While helpful in planning, executing, and managing work, these tools can feel one-dimensional for organizations that need more than traditional project management.

Tools like CA PPM and similar project portfolio management software provide a service. They provide basic project and portfolio management capabilities – but they don’t address critical challenges organizations face, such as:

  • Improving speed-to-value and market responsiveness
  • Unlocking organizational capacity for propriety initiatives
  • Increasing confidence in your strategic investments

To answer these problems, you need more than a project management tool. You need a comprehensive Strategic Portfolio Management solution that empowers your organization to drive transformation on your terms. A solution that offers equal support to Agile, Hybrid, and Waterfall teams.

Planview’s Strategic Portfolio Management solution differs from project management tools from CA PPM and Clarity competitors. Planview’s SPM solution is built to support your growth and transformation journey by supporting multiple work delivery methodologies, integrating with your teams’ preferred work management tools, and providing support from the strategic level down to the teams who deliver the work.

If you’re looking for a solution that does more than simple project portfolio management, don’t partner with any Clarity competitor. Trust your portfolio with Planview and give your enterprise the support it deserves from a strategic partner that’s all-in on portfolio management and connected work.

What key capabilities should you look for in a Strategic Portfolio Management solution?

Looking for a SPM solution can be challenging. Clarity and some CA Clarity competitors may claim they offer Strategic Portfolio Management, but lack the core features necessary for accelerating growth and delivering business value. Below are some essential capabilities to look for when searching for an effective SPM solution:

  • A wide range of integrations with enterprise applications and tools, including popular Agile, DevOps, and work management tools
  • Flexibility and support for Agile, Traditional, and Hybrid ways to fund and execute work, so teams are empowered to plan and deliver their best work
  • Outcome-focused planning and delivery through objectives and key results (OKRs) to ensure strategy and execution are connected
  • Support for businesses that make the transition from a project to product-centric approach
  • Support for empowered decision-making through real-time data that enables leaders to make informed decisions across the portfolio
  • Real-time scenario planning that factors in goals, dependencies, constraints, demand, and capacity to improve planning agility
  • End-to-end visibility into financial information, resources, risks, and capacity across all systems and teams
  • Support for Agile and Hybrid team delivery, including Scrum, Kanban, Scrumban, and more

Another important factor to consider when looking for an SPM solution is whether your enterprise will get vendor support – not only when implementing the solution, but also as you continue to push your enterprise further.

Planview is the only Clarity competitor recognized as an industry leader in Strategic Portfolio Management, Adaptive Project Management, Enterprise Agile Transformation, and Value Stream Management.

Partnering with Planview for Strategic Portfolio Management ensures your enterprise has a true technology partner to support your need to drive transformation, maximize business value, and adapt to a new world of work.

We have teams that use Clarity Software. Can we integrate Planview’s Strategic Portfolio Management solution with Clarity PPM and other project portfolio management tools?

Absolutely. We understand the importance of empowering teams to do their best work, which is why our SPM solution integrates with CA PPM and a wide range of Clarity competitors.

A comprehensive Strategic Portfolio Management solution should support your enterprise, not force it into a technological ecosystem. Planview’s Strategic Portfolio Management solution allows teams to decide which Agile project management tools work best for them.

Best of all, integrating Planview’s SPM solution into your other tools has never been easier. We offer more than 60 no-code integrations (and growing) with popular business applications and project management tools. Whether your teams use Clarity or Broadcom’s Rally Software, Atlassian’s Jira Software, or Microsoft Azure DevOps, they can connect their tools to our solutions without disruption.

“We’re at a point now in the evolution of our organization where we have to have this type of platform. I don’t view Planview® Portfolios, or Planview® ProjectPlace, as an application – this is truly a platform that has tremendous and robust capabilities.”

Sandy Pittman

Vice President of EPMO, UPS

Read case study • UPS

“It became apparent very quickly that Planview was the best choice for our needs, not only because of its product features but the company’s ability to execute on our roadmap. Planview was a great partner to work with.”

Estela Lauricella-Thota

Senior Director of Technology Transformation, Cognizant

Read case study • Cognizant

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